Friday, January 18, 2008 | posted by Thomas Carlyle

Friday is for Nihilism

It's Friday! Another hopelessly false construct, made by the idleness of man, in the hopes that perhaps by measuring our countless hours (too few of which we can actually remember), we can make our days (spent in selfish indulgence or pointless suffering) seem like they have meaning. Meanwhile the sun (our great keeper, and uncaring life-giver) continues to burn, until, like mighty Chronos, it grows angry with our pitiable little terrestrial orb, and devours us. But before any of that happens, Friday is also Chat Transcript day (James, Zach, and I were discussing the new writer-ladies, at least in theory)!

Zachary: Pros: More voices, more steady updating (hopefully).
Thomas: That's a very forgiving definition of "perfect"

Thomas: I would settle for "Needs minimal editing" and if they lie, that they lie amusingly.

Zachary: You should have come and visited while I was home, Thomas.
Zachary: So Beth could stab you to death.
Thomas: That is the exact opposite of what I want to happen.

Thomas: Plus it's not like I have a job to distract me from blogging.
Zachary: It's not like I do my homework!
James: It's not like I don't drink red bulls and stay up and read until my head twitches angrily enough to write something.
Thomas: *internet superhero high-five*

Thomas: While the rest of us are kind of like crude hammers, covered in glue and broken glass.
Zachary: ...I'd say I'm a gnomish hooked hammer, personally.
Zachary: And can be wielded using weapon finesse.
Thomas: *facestabbings*
James: Some time in the future, we ought to have a week where we get all the d&d references out of us for about a month.

Thomas: *has been playing dress-up with his Gaia avatar for five minutes now*
James: Zach?
Thomas: ...
Thomas: So, James, have you heard any of the latest killers album?
(five minutes pass)
Thomas: ...Helloooo?
Thomas: I have said eight times more than everyone else combined. I am king of chat!
(another three minutes)
Thomas: And now to post links to pornographic videos.
Zachary: Oh yeaaaaah.
Zachary: This window exists.

Zachary:, uh. Staff meeting?
Zachary: I'll try not to forget I'm in here.
James: Yes.
James: staff meeting.
James: all three of us need to be paying attention to the window at the same time.

James: we have almost 18 unique viewers.
Zachary: I know!
Zachary: That's partially because of me doing a little bit of sitewhoring recently.
James: And 4 readers from Canada.
Thomas: The lost world!

See you all tomorrow!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I could think about when I read the part about paying to attention to the window was Windows Derrek.


February 11, 2008 at 8:51 PM  

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