Wednesday, January 9, 2008 | posted by Thomas Carlyle

In Lieu of Actual Content

Not to undermine the seriousness of Elevennames (a serious blog for serious writers), but I feel it vital at this juncture to point out a little something of how an Elevennames post comes to be.

Step 1: We bitch at each other over IM

Zach : Of the new site design, Beth said, "It looks like it sits in an overstuffed chair and sips brandy while oppressing the working classes. So Thomas must have picked it."

Thomas : I've been looking for that big ASCII middle finger for a few minutes now.

Step 2: We determine the guilty party

Zach : Also: let's go make fun of James for being lazy.
Zach : As he hasn't updated eleven names yet.

Zach : Then you could just both go back to hating me, and the cycle would be complete!

Thomas : UPDATE
Thomas : DI DI MAO
Thomas : DI MAO LUN
James : ?
Thomas : DO IT; DO IT NOW
James : done.
James : 11names is publishing now.
James : 11names is updated now.
Thomas : Right.

Step 3: Repeat Step 1.

Thomas : Ha ha ha ha ha. Editing!
Zach : Also suspected that might happen.
Thomas : The problem here is that you are a suspicious. Pokemon. A suspicious type. Type of pokemon.
Zach : Suspicious type pokemon.
Zach : And yeah, I pretty much am.

Zach : So, basically, I have to amend the list until we set up some better means of access.
Thomas : Tough but fair. I'll come up with a list. I could have sworn I already did.
Zach : ...maybe!
Zach : I asked you to email me some once.
Zach : *goes to look through email*
Thomas : I say this because I am almost certain that I did.
Thomas : And if I didn't, that you aren't organized enough to prove me wrong!

Cate: you james, and zach have a horrible blog?
Thomas: Yes. It is horrible and making us hate each other.

Previous message was not received by James because of error : User James is not available.

And there you have it. More on politics, and other stuff, later. Maybe the glorious return of theme weeks!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 18, 2009 at 6:52 PM  

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