Thursday, January 10, 2008 | posted by Zach Marx

Mike Gravel

"[A]s a candidate, he's been a very successful avant-garde video star." -John Moe, of Weekend America

Mike Gravel has not yet withdrawn from anything, despite being briefly hospitalized with a  respiratory infection and placing more-or-less dead last in every primary so far. Nor should he withdraw from anything. It is in no way too late for him, and his strategy may yet succeed.

Which is not to say that he'll ever be President--he won't.

However, by running for President and staying in the race, he gets his name out there, and occasionally gets a chance to talk about his National Initiative, which is something that could matter a lot more than who we elect to be the next puppet of the military-medical-industrial complex and the realpoliticians.

The American political system needs to be reformed, and I don't think that even someone like Obama, who wrote a book called The Audacity of Hope, is going to be capable of doing that when the people that hold his strings are the people that benefit from the status quo. He might just be using them to get elected, but he's too streamlined, too likable, too prepackaged Pepsi-Cola Kennedy for me to be able to fully trust.

Some friends of mine like Edwards, and tell me he's a good person, but there's just something about him that makes my skin crawl a little bit. He's too much a politician. They're all too much politicians, too little like people.

Give me an honest old angry man without a hope in hell any day. Give me someone who understands, and will say, that American exceptionalism is fucking up our psychology, that we have no moral high ground left, that the time has come for honestyhumility and peace.

Give me someone who believes in personal responsibility and in using the tools you have to make a difference, and who will tell us what he really thinks.

Gravel is that man. Obama isn't. Neither is Edwards. And even though he'll never win the election, I'm going to vote for him in the primary. Maybe it'll make him feel better about the whole fucking thing. Maybe it'll make some people think that he's worth listening to. It probably won't do either, but if I'm going to cast my nearly-meaningless primary vote, I might as well do it for a guy I like.

I suspect that the fix will be in by the time Pennsylvania primaries come around anyhow.

It's called a Fuckup because it doesn't go like anyone wants. Welcome to democracy; make yourself a shiv and try not to drop the soap.

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Blogger Thomas Carlyle said...

No one who is honest, humble, or peaceful even remotely thinks about the presidency.

January 11, 2008 at 1:13 AM  
Blogger Zach Marx said...

...except Mike Gravel, and he'll never win, because he's not a politician.

January 11, 2008 at 2:08 PM  

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