Friday, January 11, 2008 | posted by Thomas Carlyle

The Replacement Post

So I typed up this giant thing that was more naval-gazing about how I'm basically a guiltily mindless consumer of all that is shameful internet culture, when I found out that WTF blogger lied when it said it saved that draft! My anger immediately manifested itself in the form of a frowny emoticon.


Regardless, there's been a lot of politic talk on here lately, and I can't blame anyone (except for James and Zach, damn them), because politics are probably big and important. I sometimes worry, because I have no great feelings for any candidate, because my preferred system of government would be some kind of bucolic anarchy, where small city-states barter with each other. And maybe compete against each other with champions in a dome. A Thunder Dome. Maybe this thundering dome is ruled over by an evil genius midget riding on the back of a mentally handicapped giant (what, no link to a picture of Dick Cheney standing on Bush's shoulders? Internet, you have failed me again!). Maybe it isn't. My ideal government is not as well thought out as, say, my fondness for pictures of cats (which is agonizing in its complexity).

I cannot, in good conscious, endorse any candidate. I simply cannot care - eight years (barring, I guess, several months of vacation) of continual emotional and psychological abuse at the hands of George W. Bush have rendered me into a kind of jelly. My reaction to things is no longer a matter of conscious thought and decision, but rather, it is a kind of alchemical process. As surely as you can generate electricity from a potato, I generate disgust at any individual who proclaims him/herself lord over his peers. The very notion of power coming from anything other than the sun makes me a little bit sick. This presidency has become the Vietnam of our generation, so you can imagine what the people who are going through the real Vietnam of our generation are thinking (answer: varied). My college educated white boy internet-ennui has nothing on a guy who had to get his legs amputated because he was driving his humvee on the road. Let us not even discuss the civilian population of Iraq, nor the irresponsible kill-happy mercenaries that are charged with their safety, else I be forced to drown my worries in laudanum and Edward Gorey cartoons (James! Do not take Lye by mistake!), and then resort to an even more florid style of writing.

Instead, let us speak, you and I, huddled over this little flame we call Elevennames. Changes are afoot, many of them on purpose! We shall become a raging bonfire, no doubt, driving back the darkness of our times. You will notice our costly advertisements, at the shocking fee of free*. Do you have a business? Is it funky (we at elevennames are at least funky) and fresh? Do you find us not offensive to most senses? Are you not Blackwater? By all means, then, do as A-ha commands, and take on us!

*As I was composing this, the price jumped to $.02. HIDE YOUR POCKETBOOKS, THE BLOGGER ROBBER BARONS ARE COMING TO TOWN.

Also, perhaps staff expansion. Hur hur hur. More later.

Would you like a preview of potential theme week? I think you would.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

October 27, 2008 at 4:04 PM  

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