Friday, April 30, 2010 | posted by James Thomas à Becket

Marathon: Ignore The Overdraft Charges, They're Useless Anyway (6 of 13)

This Marathon song, Gouge 'Em Out, They're Useless Anyway is about what we put into the earth, how we poison it and how incredibly short-sighted that is, given that we're doing damage to the thing that keeps our shaky proposition up, and because the incredible demand for more more more now now now wreaks havoc on this planet that has supported life for eons.

Fair point: I don't know that much about ecology except that it makes sense that we're poisoning the earth by putting exhaust into the atmosphere.

So, like in Home Is Where the Books Are, I'm going to cheat a little bit. There is a deadline hanging over my head, I'm well caffeinated, so I'm going to riff on this idea of my body being the earth and the terrible things I do to myself and my terrible personal upkeep.

Hungry and not thinking straight, I just walked upwards of six blocks to buy a bottled Frappuccino from 7-11, drank it immediately, only to remember that there was CVS a block away from my original destination, that had the same item for cheaper.

The CVS itself is a quarter of a block down from a Dunkin Donuts, one that I've been patronizing more and more, because I go to the destination more and more often to get work done, but ends up being more "being on the internet" time. The work's easy enough that I can get it done in maybe a quarter of the time. I bought two more of the Frappuccinos, I would drink another one when I settle down on the laptop and I squirrel away the third in my bag. I throw in some Honey Nut Chex Mix, to remind me, again, of friends far away.

I had lunch four hours since and in between, nothing to eat.

Our progress is regressing quickly...

I leave the sterile CVS and head back to the campus center, head immediately to the basement, where the student lounge is and I ended up writing the first part of this. With headphones on the entire time. I mean, at least I'm not in my house, but I'm doing the whole reclusive writer thing again. And that shit's old meme (link possibly NSFW, FYI). Did I learn a goddamn thing? It appears not.

Aside from the fact that I'm reminded again, I'm like the human beings myopically poisoning the planet, shoving two caffeinated drinks in my body without something solid to help digest the caffeine, then wondering why an hour later I'm dried out and my stomach is angry with me.

A strange thing, though. There's Starcraft 2 news all over the tubes (speaking of old memes) this week and yes, it's possible to get the beta codes, but I'm not mourning every minute that I'm not playing the game. Years ago, I would have stopped at nothing to get one of those beta codes, but now? I'm zen. I'll buy it early when it comes out. I hope this is growing up. Man, because if it's not, I'm sleeping on Starcraft 2.

Can my computer even run it? I can't tell.

But I need it. Or I think I do. I will need to consume it because it is the sequel to Starcraft and that it is something else to consume and poison my time with.

Wait. Did I just get back to the point of the entry? I think I did. Of the things I could spend my time with, there is a GRE study book to my immediate right, I would spend it on Starcraft 2, a pastime that while not bad, does not have any meaningful positive net effects further down the line. And that's how I'm short-sighted.

That's how I connect to the song, these days, in my bad decisions that do not retain foresight. I'm walking, happily into the poison of my own laziness and if I keep it up, I'll deserve every listless night I spend sunken into it and every day or two it takes to get me out of that rut, paid for with my sweat or with my credit card.

Let this be my memorial to the things I do when I don't pay attention.

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