Sunday, March 2, 2008 | posted by Beth

Obama! Spring Break! Whoo!

I really like Obama. Honestly and deeply like him. I like hearing him speak. I like his story, his policies, his platitudes. I like him in a way that is counter to my cynicism, that is objectively, very foolish. And I am not naive, I know that he is an American politician, which is to be a huckster and a liar and a snake-oil salesman. But in Obama, I am okay with the deceptions and compromises. I can live with them, because he is at the very least self-aware. He knows who's going to vote for him and he knows what they want to hear and how to say it, how to perform and present himself to them as the vehicle for their frustrated optimism and vestigial idealism. Unequivocally, the "youth vote" (as it were) is his major strength, the true devotees and zealous converts. The Baby Boomers and the Union Workers and the Frustrated Republicans are being swayed, seduced and shown the light, but slowly and with the passionate guidance of these college students. Anyone over the age of 17 and under the age of 30 is chomping at the bit to vote for the Obamanator. We're ready to go. Get us to a booth, and we know what to do.

Unfortunately, the most common criticism is also the fairest observation: Obama really doesn't have much to say. Not yet, anyway. He has some outlines. Some ideas. A clear and (to me) fairly comforting voting record. But Hilary's had her marching plan ready since the impeachment days. That is irrelevant, and I feel that he (or at least, his incredibly clever staff) understands that. That the youth vote would not be won with a PowerPoint presentation and a pragmatic attitude. For better or worse, this (perhaps more than any) is to be a race won by image.

This is fairly abhorrent, and I apologise for my fellow 20-somethings. But hear us out: We've got a lot on our minds. We've grown in dark times, many of us only just remember the milk and honey days of Clinton's presidency, and the rest suffer the pain of fallout. And yes, compared to these latter days of the Shrub, I do think Clinton's time in office has a comparative sylvan quality. That's neither here nor there, though. We've seen tragedy and bloodshed at an astonishing rate, defended by bloodless and cowardly people. We've seen photographic evidence of government-sanctioned torture. We're in a post-Nixon America. We were born suspicious and we were born cynical. We never had ideals to compromise. Remember, the last election. How many of you out there loved making the distinction: "I am voting against Bush, not for Kerry". C'mon, let's see those hands. I confess.

But Obama. He stands up so tall and speaks to clearly. He's so...well, he's so fucking presidential. I can understand why America misses Camelot still. It's not an accident that several members of JFK's family, including his daughter, have passed the torch to the present candidate. Obama is the president in an action film. He is a pretty picture, and please forgive us for being shallow. But that's all we need from our candidate. We're sick of reality, and Obama has promised we'll never see it. We've seen too much embarrassing human-ness in our leaders: aggressive idiocy of Bush2 and the sleaze of Clinton. Obama promises with each step of his campaign that he'll keep his skeletons, his perversions and his spelling mistakes out of the evening news. He'll never cry or freak out at a primary. No blue dresses. Don't worry kids, Obama's here and he's got it taken care of.

That's just what we wanted to hear.

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Blogger nicholas reed said...

Obama saved my puppy from drowning.

So I showed him my tits.

March 3, 2008 at 1:05 AM  
Blogger nicholas reed said...

Also, this is an excellent piece of writing and you are an excellent piece of writer.

March 3, 2008 at 1:06 AM  
Blogger The Earl of Grey said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

March 3, 2008 at 11:33 AM  
Blogger James Thomas à Becket said...

I disagree with the tenor of part of the argument that Obama's not going to have America face reality.

We're sick of reality, and Obama has promised we'll never see it.

This seems rather divorced from his public statements:

Obama's been pretty clear on Iraq, "I don’t think there are any good options left in Iraq,” he continued. “There are bad options and worse options. It is my judgment—and I think it’s the judgment of most military and political experts—that the best we can hope for, at this point, is to make sure that we are seeing some sort of accommodation [among] the various factions." This was in 2007.

Above all else, I want you to remember one thing: This is a mainstream presidential candidate who admits to using cocaine.

I'm sure he's got other skeletons I haven't heard of, but admitting that one takes courage.

March 3, 2008 at 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most presidents generally are pretty pictures. You occasionally have the rarety of FDR or Nixon with his plan on visiting China, but the majority of presidents are just a face we put on the administation. The president may appoint some new blood, usually of his/her own mindset, but if the whole 3-branch system is corrupted, there isn't much the people can do. The president is just one person and although a great deal of problems stem from the bush administration, who knows if we can fix it all.

I do support Obama as a presidentual canadate (mostly because Hillary is just slightly psychotic and all the republican canadates are obsolite, also can you imagine an angry PMSing president during wartime (Destroy those fuckers!!!)). It would be nice if both democratic canadates had more experience. It would be nice is Obama had a better plan of ideas as opposed to the outline. But the main question is; What do the American people need and which canadate is the right one to give it to them? Obama seems like a refreashing change in direction but for now, only time will tell.

March 6, 2008 at 5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mostly because Hillary is just slightly psychotic and all the republican canadates are obsolite, also can you imagine an angry PMSing president during wartime (Destroy those fuckers!!!)

While I do not support Hillary Clinton, I also find that this is an incredibly offensive thing to say.

Women have been stiving for years to achieve equality among men. Please stop setting them back with bad jokes.

Thank you.

March 7, 2008 at 9:02 AM  

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