Monday, June 15, 2009 | posted by James Thomas à Becket

Coma Boy

There are cool updates inbound and skeletons of posts (Left 4 Dead and the fan fallout) to be added onto, but frankly I'm too tired at the moment to work on them.

Here's why:

I got approximately three hours of sleep last night, because I started my volunteer DJ shift on the other side of the city at nine a.m, and needed to get up early so I could a) get coffee, b) buy a tape adapter from Radio Shack ($24, wtf) and c) get there early to figure out how to man the boards. It turned out the hardware wasn't taking with my tape adapter, so I had to do my show the old fashioned way, pick handfuls of CDs at nearly random from the archive, take them back to the station and see what's spinning.

But that was only after frantically putting on songs really chosen at random by the station manager to fill time, which, (of course) were only two and a half minutes long each, still trying to make the tape deck work. Each moment of dead air feels like a minute. But. More music was found. Sadly, much of the music was generic faux-lush indie pop trying to call itself rock that made me sick, intellectually. Henry Rollins would call it weak. Here's how bad it was: I played a 20 minute drone song not written by Sunn 0))) to clear my head. I ended up playing really, really stupid long songs (8-11 minutes) just to eat up time and while that settled in, I had fun. It was very relaxing.

Once the relaxation took effect, I started enjoying the process more and more and getting back to what enjoyed, sharing music, which made everything worth it.

I left the radio station at about 1 and only got back at 3:30, so, even at 11:30 p.m. I'm pretty pooped. Let me tease a possibility.

I have been thinking very seriously about starting a twelve post spree based on Marathon's self-titled disc, taking each song and working on a post that follows, vaguely or carefully, the themes or spirit of the track. Put it this way: With lyrics like I don't ask much/Cause there's not much I can bring/Just hold me 'til we sleep/Please hold me 'til we sleep from a song called "Don't Ask If This Is About You", I'm already looking forward to making more readers uncomfortable.

Mostly though, I'm really, really tired and perhaps I will think better of it when I get up. But! Savor the possibility.


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