Tuesday, July 3, 2007 | posted by Thomas Carlyle

A working class hero is something to ... Be? Be in? Bean? Enunciate!

Internet! Hly crap! What have I done to harm you?

I'm actually typing this into a series of what look to be lines on a white void... oh, there it goes. Hello! My computer is a hunk of eight-yaer-old gaerbage. With five gigs, yet unfilled with strange, unlistenable music that only I like.

Speaking of which, I think I'm attending the Bitchfork* music festival at some point. I just don't know when. I'm vaguely aware that it's happening - my self sabotage has only just begun. Maybe I can sleep on James's's couch. Maybe I can sleep in an alleyway! Chicago is the town that doesn't exactly sleep, but stays up all night reading and maybe watching a little TV, drifting off around four, until some guy starts puking (like some kind of perverse coo-coo bird) in the alleyway around five.

*I saw someone else call it that, and thought that it was the very height of wit.

Anyway, I'm in a coffee shop right now, and was pretty much convinced that I was just going to be the old-looking, sullen, beardy guy, and then like, eight people older than me came in! One of them, I think, was the janitor at my high school. He may have some kind of infection or maybe his belly is swollen with gasses. Is that a beer belly? So I feel pretty good about myself, since my own beer belly is yet in larval form.

The only other people in the shop (which I think closes in three minutes) are some teenagers with bad hair and black T-shirts and skateboards, and they were gossiping savagely about Karen and maybe where they should go next. I really wish, sometimes, that I hadn't spent the entirety of my teenage years playing dungeons and dragons (omg monstrous manual five? WTF am I going to do with all these monsters? There are not enough dungeons in the world for this. I call shenanigans, dungeons and dragons) and instead making new friends or driving or drinking illegally or trying meth or whatever. Out of purely intellectual curiousity. It's like how I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be a girl or good looking.

Anyway, my Iced Tea Latte is rapidly septerating, and the barista is shooting me dirty looks, so I'ma cut this short.

Also, screw the theme week.

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