Monday, January 21, 2008 | posted by Cathleen Kennedy

Why Does Thomas Get All The Good Posts?

The simple answer is that the rest of us are busy leading very interesting, influential lives. Lives in which we make choices that impact the world and you know, change stuff.

The real excuse: probably laziness.

I, however, had food poisoning this past weekend. I dare any of you people out there to blog when you can't leave the bathroom for more than 45 minutes, and therefore didn't sleep for chronic fear that you would wake up covered in your own vomit. I am sure Thomas with his super frequent updating would have provided a blow by blow account of each heave and each rediscovery his body provided. Sadly I am just not as dedicated to the readers as he is.

Suffice to say, the past few days have not been full of fun carefree times. Therefor I bring you no lighthearted antidotes about my weekend, only tales of warning about eating anything with "fantastica!" in the name, no matter how good everyone says it is. Just reading that word now causes my stomach to lurch in fear.

Or maybe that is the hamburger helper I subjected myself to for dinner tonight . . . .

One thing I did manage to do was see Cloverfield this weekend. Now see is a relative term, since the whole movie is done in shaky-cam and my already addled stomach was having none of that. I had to cover my eyes more than a few times, not out of fear, but simply to not throw up on the person sitting next to me.

But motion sickness aside, it was a really good movie. And what is even cooler is the amount of internet hype that is out there about it. All of the characters have myspace pages, which of course show everything up until when the monster attacks New York. It almost makes me want to resurrect my myspace account and check it out. And if you are a huge internet junky there is a whole other level to the movie, because there is a movie somewhere online that shows an oil rig off the cost of Japan being attacked by the same monster as in the movie. It is times like these that I am impressed at how into this fictional tale some people really are.

This is one we need to keep an eye on since I have heard rumors of a follow up video that will be released either in theaters or on the internet that shows the whole things from a US Army solder's "perspective". This is totally one of those movies that I saw and thought was good, but now can't get out of my head.

Ok, well, my astronomy book has been looking at me in an abandoned manner ever since I started typing, so I guess I must go.

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Blogger nicholas reed said...

Re: Cloverfield, do you find it odd that it's a divisive a film as it seems to be? Because it seems like every person who sees it either outright LOVES it (like myself, and I'm assuming you), or loathes it with a passion I can't even muster up for American Idol (and I REALLY hate American Idol). I've been trying to figure out what it is, and have a few theories, and will eventually write something in my own blog about it, but I just wanted yr thoughts.

January 22, 2008 at 4:08 PM  

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