Sunday, April 6, 2008 | posted by Cathleen Kennedy

We're Not Dead Yet

Oh poor elevennames, do not fear, we have not forgotten you . . .

At least I haven't. So I will write you something. It may not be wonderful or especially deep, but it will be all for you.

Admittedly, I have never been very good at keeping up with current events. Normally I find anything that has happened in the last 400 years or so to be "boring". I like ancient history, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, up through the late Middle Ages. My reasoning is this: if you study enough history you will learn that there are linchpins in time, and those moments are what make history interesting. These are moments that define everything that come after them. For example, unless you have a firm grasp of Rome during the late Republic and early Empire, you probably have only a superficial understanding of anything that happened during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, or the American Revolution.

There are other members of the elevennames staff who are far more interesting in the happenings of the here and now. However, since they have been otherwise occupied during the past few weeks I will try and talk about what has been happening out there in non-internet world.

Well, John McCain went back to visit his old high school, apparently his nicknames were "punk" and "McNasty". And this is a man who might be our next President. Yeah, American, feel reassured. The school called an assembly to celebrate McCain's visit and once student actually asked McCain what he thought about the fact that the entire student body had to attend what was essentially a political event. McCain didn't really have a response, but I think that girl kicks ass.

Lets see, Obama and Clinton went bowling together earlier this week, supposedly Obama did not do well. The Clinton campaign is using this as victory point for Hillery, who is apparently very good at bowling and even owns her own shoes. Acording to some this makes her a good canditade for running our country. You know, in case bowling is the key to protecting America from future terrorist attacks.

So yeah, thats all I've got for tonight.

Hopefully we'll have more to write about later.

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