Tuesday, July 31, 2007 | posted by James Thomas à Becket

Theme: Robots Are Going To

If nothing else, we are but timely.

Our theme this week is Robots Are Going To, but quite what what they are going to is left up to the writer. I personally think they'll start making better electronic music than humans, just as soon as they can nail a groove.

I know at least one friend that would enthusiastically agree with that, saying electronic music is soulless, and another friend who would Van Gogh both his ears for that comment. The friend who would be on the delivering end of the Van Gogh-ing once described electronic dance music as a series of overlapping noise effects, kind of like progamming. (I spent one semester programming, and I think if I have to do it again, I will Van Gogh both my hands. As for how I'll do that, I don't know, but I'll leave it up to the fertile imagination of the collective internet. Dear reader[s], if you have an idea as to how, do leave a comment and let us know.)

For that matter, how cool would it be to go to a place like Ibiza and see a DJ faceoff between a human and robot? Seriously, consider it. Have a "blind" rave off kind of thing. The first DJ to have most of their listeners dancing, or I suppose, convulsing when the exstasy wears off is the winner. But, perhaps that's too cynical. Regardless of cynical that may be, I feel bad for the Ibiza paramedics. They're really unsung heroes of that little island.

But then, the real question, aside from the eventual robot war is whether the robots can write or compose other kinds of music that aren't overlapping series of beeps better than humans. Maybe video games, too? Jesus, video games would be a mind fuck, wouldn't it? Playing a game on a machine, created and put together by an actual machine. With a story to boot. Imagine if Half-Life 2 had been made by robots. Ain't that a thing to wrap your head around. (I know Zach might argue that Kingdom Hearts 2 was made by the closest equivalent that humanity has to robots, but that is neither here nor there. )

I'll be eagerly awaiting the first videogame made by real robots, as I'm eagerly awaiting the first batch of music made by robots, and in a world where robots can already serve you dinner, that day is looking closer and closer every time I close my eyes.



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