Thursday, August 9, 2007 | posted by James Thomas à Becket

Howling Of a Pack of Wolves

I've actually barked at the moon. I can't say to have done it with a group of people around me, and if I am to be honest, it was done under the influence of None More Black's "Oh, There's Legwork", which, if you must be under the influence of a song, I would argue, it's a hell of a choice. But, I have watched the moon fall and the sun rise with a great group of people and for one night and morning in my life, it was pretty awesome.

These kids (of which I include myself) were a bunch of anime nerds, together for the hostess' birthday celebration. There was another birthday celebration at which I watched Planes Mistaken For Stars (RIP), while the hostess guests complained that the music wasn't good and left. But, that is another story for another day.

The point is, at that time in my life, we were, truly the out crowd, and the prides of lions stalked the savannahs of the high school hallways, while the pack I ran with devoured scraps of Wolfs Rain and Cowboby Bebop during double lunch on Thursdays, eating outside faculty offices during the other periods when we didn't have class or could eat. It was the prepartion for keeping up with the pack that I currently claim membership in.

With that in mind, I do feel a little bad when I hear about kids getting their livejournals deleted for posting explicit pictures that they drew. Sadly, though, it's crystal clear what's going on here. These people are really the collateral damage of Six Apart (the people what bought livejournal) trying to get rid of the pedophilic pictures on their servers. I can believe this without much Kool Aid. Aside from the general feeling of I'd like to believe the official message, 2007 is gearing up to be a hell of a fight between candidates, and every one of them wants to be protecting the children. Eric Burns, is also likely right. This is/could also be Six Apart turning their business from what it is into what they want it to be, and it would appear drawings of minors having sex is not a part of their vision.

(For those people that write Snape/Harry fics in which the teacher and student find a mutual attraction or at least a one sided one, this baisically serves as a notice that men and women, you could be next, and getting out now while the getting is good is probably a good idea.)

But, the people complaining? For the teenagers howling fowl play and asking for an appeal, I feel bad, but hey, now's the time to learn an important lesson: that the outside society does not look upon things like that without a certain amount of derision and fear. If you're going to run NC-17 art or anything close to pedophilia, this is the response you're going to get from the outside world.

And for that matter, the realization that the world is a cold, scary place that will fall on top of you with a knife should you slip up is one I do not wish to occur bluntly to the nation's youth. I'd prefer if that praticular epihphany came a little more gently. I might not howl with them, but I'd at least try to point them to a program that will let them back up their works. I'd hate to lose all my hard work, especially if it was not for public consumption.

May these youngsters learn to run faster and stay one step ahead of the other wolves...



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