Thursday, February 7, 2008 | posted by Thomas Carlyle

In Which Theme Week is Totally Abandoned for Politics lol

"Well I've got to do something to help these people."
"Don't tell me you're actually developing a conscience."
"God I hope not, it's gonna be a fuckin' nuisance in Congress"
-Eddie Murphy in The Distinguished Gentleman

Ron Paul, y'all.

Sure, the man is arguably crazy, as a bevy of sickeningly low quality Ze Frank imitators also like to point out. But dammit, I like to vote for crazy people. And it's not like we're electing a god-emperor here, just a president - his powers are checked by two other branches of government. Maybe now Congress will have something to do that doesn't involve lobbyists and mistresses and cocaine (sorry, couldn't find a link, but YOU JUST KNOW IT AMIRIGHT?) and secret societies. Or maybe it will give them more than ever before! It's an exciting time to be alive, if only because gross negligence or sexy new diseases may change that fact at any given moment.

Dance with me! Dance the dance of life!

Hey hey, and Mitt Romney just left the race for president. Which is good. He looks like someone's wholesome dad, the kind who jokes with you and slaps you on the back and has good teeth. America wants a nutjob for president, not the dad from 7th Heaven.

It's a total fabrication, really, to assume that any of the candidates are of sound mental health. The election is a grueling process for a thankless job where you are essentially a fulcrum of power between promises you made to get elected (thankfully growing less and less relevant as the years progress) and the promises that you made to massive, faceless corporations, as all the while detractors curse your name, and sometimes shoot you (with varying degrees of success).

Worst of all are celebrity endorsements. And there are plenty of them. Celebrities are not well known for even keeping their own lives in check - why then should we listen to them over anyone else? I'm certain that feels really strongly or something about Barack Obama. Could he manifest this enthusiasm in a less embarrass ing format? Obviously not.

Really, I just can't handle someone who I have hope in. Give me the Ron Pauls and Mike Gravels and whoever else, anyone who promises to slash and burn the government, to vivisect it's infected organs, a chirurgeon to either fix it or kill it, but just change it already. To have hope in the government is more and more a fool's errand, and worst of all, to overpraise the hucksters who would abuse our need for change for their own advancement (not to imply Obama is a huckster - just that he might be). I cannot handle any more dishonesty in office (well, I can, but I just really really don't want to), but I (hope I) can handle all of the anarchy that actual change might bring.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Ron Paul wasn't crazy enough to be connected with the KKK, I might go along with you, but I'd choose some other radical over him.

February 7, 2008 at 6:36 PM  
Blogger Thomas Carlyle said...

True, he's pretty out there. But at least you'll have all the guns you please to defend yourself! Silver linings!

February 7, 2008 at 8:08 PM  

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